on Thursday, January 14, 2010; Thursday, January 14, 2010
You are special
You are extraordinary
You are the one and only.
I'm afraid
I'm incapable
I'm lacking confident.
I've been trying to let you go.
Someday I'll make it true.
on Wednesday, December 30, 2009; Wednesday, December 30, 2009
Days after the exams are just simply awesome. Celebrations, day trip, parties etc are just different ways for us to gather and enjoy..Exams are over and so is this semester. I believe yesterday's drinking night gave all of us a memorable conclusion to this semester before everyone gets parted. Its time to fly back to our native homeland and we shall gather back together next semester. For those not returning, we'll be back soon to reignite the joy, laughter and the craziness.
There is no equality in this world neither is there fairness. If everything is just so perfect, this world will turn into one eerry place. You won't learn to cherish, care and feel for others. Sometimes, its everything little things you do change the people, the events around you. Even though the majority do not know how to cherish what you have done, there will always be a minority that see you as their angel. We can't change the world but we try to shape it, mould it into a better place for mankinds. These are all human natures -presence of angels & demons. We are not god, we are just simple mankinds. We do not have the power to change the entire world, we must understand our limited capabilities. You have put in effort, you have played your part. Have faith in yourself.
13/11 : Banzai Mid-exam Mini-celebration
18/11 : Laksa & Movie Post-exam celebration
19/11 : 1-D Brisbane Tour & Badminton Night
20/11 : Family Breakfast with da jie, Christ & Mark
21/11 : Stephanie flying
21/11 : Kangaroo BKT & Drinking night
22/11 : Vanessa, Ashley flying
23/11 : Mark flying
25/11 : GC
26/11 : Jesslyn flying, shopping with Daryl, Emily & Joanne
01/12 : Mark returns, Daryl flying
02/12 : Humi flying
03/12 : Emily flying
05/12 : Home Sweet Home
06/12 : Jesslyn 42km marathon

on Sunday, November 22, 2009; Sunday, November 22, 2009
Spring break is ending soooon! today is the last day and tmr onwards will be back to uni! Gosh. what does this means? it means end of semester exam will be approaching (ard a month time). And soon i will get my ass back to msia again! hoo.
This is my virgin spring break in brisbane. Did'nt have much entertainments and programs but i love best was the steamboat at Daryl's house (1/10). The night was cold and the wind was strong. Steamboat was the best remedy for the freezing night. Mark, Vanessa, Daryl, Jo, Melissa & ME! Other than the steamboat, we had GUITAR HERO!!!! Daryl bought it specially for the steamboat. HAHAH. its awesome though i suck at it. Mark & Daryl were damn good. Vanessa just keep pushing the mic away. sigh* We also watched the movie 'First year', it was damn retarded but coool. Anyway, Jo made a pancake too. its was great. Its actually a chocolate pancake but it tasted really like a kind of malay kuih. HAH. Still, it rocks!
Mark is planning to host a bak ku teh gathering after the exam. HAH. Looking forward to that. Wonder will we have such gathering nex year? I'll still remain in year 1 and the rest will move on to year 2. Anyway, it was a fantastic spring break. Thanks guys! See most of u back in spore=D

on Sunday, October 04, 2009; Sunday, October 04, 2009

Look at the cake! Geez. It looks gad damn wonderful. Its a choclate cheese cake with chocolate biscuit as the base crust. Needless to say, ofcos i'm the one who made this cake. Just by looking at the picture, it will make you droool. Sometimes i just could'nt stop praising myself when i looked at the cake.
This cake is specially for JO. On top of the cake, it is obvious theres a 'JO'. Although its 20 days after her birthday, but i think sincerity matter most. Just look at the cake and you know how much hardwork and effort have been put in. Although its a first cake, I believe it will taste as good as another other cakes selling in a bakery or maybe better!
on Wednesday, September 30, 2009; Wednesday, September 30, 2009
Uni life is getting tougher and tougher. Projects, research, tutorials etc are stacking high up.. The worst thing is we have to present those projects in a mini conference and our audiences are real scientists. wow. sounds cool huh? ITS NOT! I have to say not many ppl is looking forward to it.
another thing is PHYSICS. GOSH. killer! i thought my fate with physics ended after the O level. It is so unexpected that I've reunite with PHYSICS again here. SHIT. studying physics is just like putting a knife at my throat and slowly cutting my throat. it torturous. I really really see no sense in PHYSICS. I can't believe my table is currently occupied with 3 thick physics textbooks, 1 chem and 1 campbell textbook which are loaned from the library. I don't even recall whens the last time I borrowed a book.
I have made 2 motto and put it infront of my desk:
Loser is not someone who falls, but some one who quits!2)
When the road is tough, you must be tougher!
Yes! I can do it! I'll do it! Good life lies ahead.. ok. back to my thick & creamy strawberry yogurt. yummy yummy yummy. shoik shoik! =DD
on Monday, August 24, 2009; Monday, August 24, 2009
HAHHA. alright. I have settled down. school started and life is quite occupied. Cool sch, cool place, cool friens, cool lifestyle. Im loving here man. Alright, actually im thinking about nex year reunion dinner now. HAHAH. my mind is occupied with home foood. I still miss home though.
Anyway, i have started enjoying my life here.
on Tuesday, August 04, 2009; Tuesday, August 04, 2009